My big question for finals

                     How Would I Achieve my Goal ? 

        Out of all the jobs and majors there are I want to be a cosmetology. I’ve been wanting to be this since junior high. In order to get there there’s some little step I could do now. Like I could always start doing people’s make-up at home for free. Also I should start asking people how to do this or that. It’s a good start now that I’m in high school and there’s pretty much nothing to do but do that at home. 
         I feel like doing make-up is my passion. I could do it all day and not get tired of it. And the good thing is that the more I do the more I’m getting better at it. I know becoming one of the best would be hard, but I’ll be aiming for that. And to become one of the best there’s classes I could take after high school. Even if I have to pay because at the end it would all pay off. 
         For an example my brother is a barber I ask him questions about his job. He tells me that a barber and cosmetology is pretty much the same because he said that I could take the same beauty college courses he took. He said it was in San Luis Obispo. So I’m guessing that’s a good big start after high school. I’ll just have to save up some money or see if I could get some scholarships now that I’m still in high school. 

          Im really hoping that my plan works out the way I plan it to. And to succeed in life the way I want to. So I’m hoping graduating from high school and go straight to beauty college after. So once I have somewhere to start I could just keep going and never give up. 


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